Pro Impressions Marketing

Website Redesign
Project Overview
The website redesign encompassed a comprehensive revamp of each page, accompanied by a streamlined and more user-friendly navigation.

In this project, I took on the pivotal role of spearheading the website design. To effectively accomplish this, I structured the project into distinct phases, enabling us to monitor progress and adhere to a realistic timeline for all deliverables. My responsibilities extended to creating mid-fidelity wireframes, developing high-fidelity mockups, and offering guidance to my fellow designer on crafting all the essential assets required for the project.
Programs Used

• Adobe XD for wireframes and mockups
• Asana for project organization
• Photoshop & Illustrator for photo editing and asset creation

Target Market & Calls-To-Action (CTAs)

During the course of this project, our attention was devoted to two key user groups: dentists prepared to enroll in our marketing package and those interested in discovering the value that Pro Impressions Marketing could bring to their practices.

To effectively engage dentists ready to commit, we implemented a variety of direct calls-to-action (CTAs), prominently featuring options like scheduling a consultation. Simultaneously, we incorporated more subtle CTAs, encouraging actions such as subscribing to our newsletter or podcast. These softer approaches enable us to deliver value and initiate conversations with those who may not be ready to sign up immediately, striking a balance between providing information and avoiding an overly assertive tone.


Collaborating closely with the Content Team and Account Manager, I undertook the creation of 14 mid-fidelity desktop wireframes. The screenshot below showcases the wireframes for the top-level navigation pages.
meal time for pets iOS app wireframes demonstrating the user flow when the app is first downloaded

High-fidelity mockups

During the course of this project, my team maintained a close collaboration with the Development Team to forge a seamless user experience, meticulously ensuring responsiveness across all devices. Despite the redesign's successful launch in the first quarter of 2023, our commitment to refinement persists as we actively gather user data and implement adjustments aimed at enhancing the overall user experience.
meal time for pets iOS app wireframes demonstrating the user flow when the app is first downloaded