Meal Time For Pets

iOS Application
Project Overview
Meal Time For Pets is an iOS App created by my fiancé and myself. After our vet recommended we switch our dogs to 3 meals a day we had trouble remembering if they had been fed. Our little Chiweenie, Daisy, would frequently try to trick us into feeding them a 4th time so we also needed a way to make sure they weren’t being overfed. So we created an iOS App, Meal Time For Pets, with the features we needed ourselves hoping it would be beneficial to others as well. Meal Time For Pets can be found on the App Store.
Color Palette
Meal time for pets color palette including dark sage #283e3f, light sage #8ca59a, rust #c08e6c, and tan #f2e3d6. The hex codes are listed below each color.
meal time for pets iOS app screenshots displaying the today view, add a pet screen, and notifications
App Features

- Create profiles for each pet
- Notifications for every meal time
- Weekly summary tab
- Notes section to document eating habits

Version 2 Wireframes

Since launching Meal Time For Pets one of the main user requests has been the ability to sync between users/multiple devices. The wireframes below demonstrate the user flow when the application is opened for the first time after being downloaded.
meal time for pets iOS app wireframes demonstrating the user flow when the app is first downloaded


App unit analytics graph displaying 4.4k downloads
Instagram Ad Promotion Insights

Instagram Ad

Between January and July 2021 we’ve run two different types of ads in efforts to increase the number of app unit downloads. In March 2021 we ran an ad through the Meal Time For Pets Instagram page. The ad received 79 profile visits, 15 website (App Store) taps, and reached 7,239 people, but only resulted in 5 more downloads from the previous month. The Instagram ad only ran for a month due to the very low ROI.

App Store Ad

Over the months of May, June, and July we’ve been running an ad through the App Store itself and have seen consistent growth in the number of app units downloaded. We may revisit Instagram ads in the future once we’re able to grow the account a bit more, but for now our strategy is to stick to App Store ads due to the ROI being far better.

App Store app unit downloads from January-July-2021 displayed by month

User Reviews

user reviews listed on the App Store displaying 5 starsuser reviews from the App Store displaying 4 stars each. Descriptions include user feature requests.